[X Newbies] Jaguar on G3 iBook

Anne Keller-Smith earthpigz at earthlink.net
Wed Apr 30 19:16:13 PDT 2003

At 1:54 PM -0800 4/29/03, Forrest Hill wrote:
>I have OSX 10.2.5 on two of the original iBooks.  I recently upgraded RAM to
>the new 512 chips available for the early iBooks

Thanks, Forrest and all, for the comments.

A question: I thought the 256 chip maxed out the Graphite iBook. This
was purchased in 2002. Can I get more RAM into it?

If you have not already installed a larger
>hard drive than the original 3GB or 6GB, now is the time to do so.

What kind of hard drive could I get into an iBook? I am a complete and
utter newbie on this subject. I thought I was stuck with the drive that
came with it.

Many thanks again.

Anne Keller Smith
Down to Earth Web Design
G4 733mHz | Graphite iMac 333mHz
mailto:earthpigz at earthlink.net

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