[X Newbies] Apple and all of these viruses?

Randy B. Singer randy at macattorney.com
Sat Aug 23 16:50:50 PDT 2003

Steven Rogers said:

>>> Second - a widespread Mac virus would certainly attract big press.
>> I don't disagree with your overall argument, but the above statement 
>> has already proven to be false.
>> Two years ago the Simpsons virus  . . .  was stopped quickly and it 
>> was not widespread) nor did it garner "huge headlines."  In fact, few 
>> Mac users even know about the existence of this virus.
>Well, I said a widespread virus would attract headlines. You said that 
>is false because a virus that was *not* widespread didn't garner 
>headlines.  I don't quite see the logic.

You said:

>...one good 
>virus should be able to cripple a substantial portion of Mac users. And 
>given the way the press likes to pounce on any Apple foible, that would 
>certainly be huge headlines.

By all accounts, the Simpsons virus was a "good virus".  Yet it still 
wasn't able to "cripple a substantial portion of Mac users."  And it 
garnered practically no headlines at all.

Randy B. Singer
Co-Author of: The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th and 6th editions)

How To Deal With Common Macintosh OS X Jaguar Problems

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