>Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 17:48:53 -0400 >Message-ID: <20030824174853285233.GyazMail.rnuzum at tampabay.rr.com> >Subject: [X Newbies] >From: Robert Nuzum <rnuzum at tampabay.rr.com> > >Itried resetting the vram but there is no change. Currently I can boot >into 10.2 by holding down the "X"key while restarting. In 9.2.2"s >control panel "startup disk" 10.2.6 does not appear as an option after >waiting several seconds, only 9.2.2 appears twice. I also receive the >error message "invalid sibling link (4,13251)" when I rund fsck. I >cannot use Disk Warrior as it always freezes up just toward the end of >its cycle(Jinxed). I have Disk Warrior 2.2, I believe, only bootable >via os 9.2.2. >Anyone have any other ideas? Your help is appreciated. I should say >both systems work fine; it's just a problem getting from one to the >other. >Bob I don't know how old your Disk Warrior is, but I think you should try upgrading it. The messages you are getting sound serious. Chris -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christopher S. Foote |Internet:foote at chem.ucla.edu 5505C Molecular Science |Phone:(310)-825-1409 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry |FAX: (310)-206-1843 University of California, Los Angeles | CA 90095-1569 | http://www.chem.ucla.edu/dept/Organic/CSF_Brochure.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------