[X Newbies] upgrading

John Lowther j.lo at earthlink.net
Fri Aug 29 23:50:05 PDT 2003

folks have asked for details. I'm not sure what details would be 
pertinent but  here are some.

the new (to me) G3 i have hooked to a monitor and spare keyboard, it is 
running and functional in OS 9.2.2.

i use an iMac 17" flat screen -- you know, the one that looks like a 
funky lamp -- anyway, i am running OS X.2.

What i would like to do is
     1st, update the G3 to OS x.2 just like the iMac
     2nd, copy a bunch of applications from my machine to the G3 (which 
my sweetie will be using as her primary machine)... things like 
MSoffice, some Adobe stuff for which i have no longer have the 
installation discs and such

i am not against networking them if this would be easier but would 
first like to accomplsih what i have noted above---UNLESS--by 
networking this could be done more easily (that wasn't my impression 
but i am a newbie here so please lemme know if i'm confused. what does 
happen if two machine wish to use photoshop for instance but the 
application is located on just one? does that even work?)

if there are details that need answering before anyone cd point me 
further please ask, i'm happy to supply

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