[X Newbies] Screen Capture

W Lane wilann at telusplanet.net
Fri Dec 19 09:52:13 PST 2003

On Dec 19, 2003, at 10:43 AM, Leon Sargent wrote:

> How can I found out how to capture a screen.

Shift Command 3 will capture the whole screen
Shift Command 4 will allow you to drag the cursor to select the area 
you want to capture
> Is there anyway to capture a whole web page when it is longer than my 
> monitor?

Shift Command 4 and then hit the Space Bar will activate a 'camera' 
(You'll see it), move it to what you want to capture, be it a web page, 
Finder window, Menu bar or whatever and then click the mouse button, it 
will capture that area only.

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