iPod and iMic

Brian Fish b.fish at durandac.org
Wed Feb 5 09:53:12 PST 2003

Hi all,
 I just recieved my new 20GB iPod yesterday, and I'm having a problem with
some mp3's.  I've been using the Griffin iMic to transfer my casette tapes
into mp3 files.  I initially save each tape as two files, side-a.mp3 and
side-b.mp3, then I disect them into individual songs with Quicktime Pro 6.
I save them in mp3 format with no problem.  iTunes recoginzes them with no
problem and plays them with no problem.  For some reason the iPod will not
accept these files, though.  I set the iPod up to update everything, but it
skips right over the ones that I've created from casette.  Any idea why this
might be or how to remedy it?

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