I've got a sawtooth G4 with 10.2.3 and I've been having some apps quit from time to time. Now I've been getting kernel panics fairly regularly. I'm not sure what to do next. I switched to a different install of Jaguar on a different drive ( a clean install) and still got kernel panics, so I don't think it's my OS or installed apps. I pulled the memory cards one by one to see if there was a bad chip and the machine would crash about every 10 minutes anyway. So it's probably not a bad chip, unless I have two bad DIMMS. I can't run DIMM first aid because if I boot into 9.x, the machine will freeze shortly after getting to the desktop. (less than a minute) This even if I boot from the OS 9 install CD. Ouch. I did run DIMM first aid when I first got OS X back in November, for what that's worth. I'll get panics when I'm opening a document from an application, or mousing in the Finder. I can't see a real pattern. I do have a wacom tablet and mouse installed, but I got a kernel panic once when I wasn't even at the machine, but a few feet away on my 7600. I did install a Pioneer (Cendyne) DVR-105 drive last month, but since it's the same as the superdrive, I wouldn't think that was too out of the ordinary. I had noticed that Photoshop or Illustrator would quit when the monitors went to sleep (no dialog box, they just quit) , so I've been suspecting my old iX3d display card I've been using to run my second monitor for a while. I was surprised that it even worked with Jaguar at all. I've pulled the card and ordered the ATI Raedon 7000 PCI as a tradeup. (see their site for details on the trade in) But I've continued to have kernel panics even with the stock display card. True, much less often, (twice in 14 hours) but that's still too often for me. Now at least I can get some work done, but I'm open to suggestions of things to check or do. Ian Sights