Memory overload in X?

David Boag spikedds at
Sun Feb 9 04:54:58 PST 2003

Yesterday, I got an alert while surfing the web and playing a Flash 
player something-or-other, that Explorer was running out of memory, and 
to allocate more memory to that app. Well, I've got a G4 350 AGP , OS 
10.2.3, with 640MB RAM, and I was only running 3 aps: IE 5.2, Page 
Sender (an excellent shareware fax app, BTW, that runs in the 
background with hardly any memory usage), and Meteorologist, again not 
a memory hog. IE quit unexpectedly seconds after the alert.

I didn't think this was an issue in X, as I thought X would 
automatically allocate memory when it had to. Can anyone explain this, 
or tell me what to do to avoid this?

David R. Boag, DDS
spikedds at

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