Printer Q

Nancy J. Ayers njayers at
Tue Feb 11 13:04:21 PST 2003

>Thanks for your response.  The answer turned out to be too simple: 
>the "Copies & Pages" thing is a pull down menu (listing options) 
>that I simply did not notice!

>Subject: Re: [X Newbies] Printing Q
>Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 13:16:42 -0500
>From: TheMacintoshLady <TheMacintoshLady at>
>Message-ID: <auto-000004888642 at>
>Nancy J. Ayers tapped out this message on 2/10/2003 12:58 PM
>>I'm on my Wallstreet, in OSX, using an Epson 900G, attached through
>>the USB port.  I'm trying to print something with a better quality
>>setting, like a slow print on photo quality paper.  I can't find a
>>way to get the print window to give me speed and paper options, or
>>get to a place where I can create some "presets."  what am I missing?
>First use page setup, then after you click PRINT, there is a flip menu
>that might have what you need in it.

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