Robert Ameeti tapped out this message on 2/14/2003 10:44 AM >The only kind of posts that you ever make, and you do make a lot of them, >are bitching and bitching. Never helping anyone, just bitching about the OS. Hmm, never helping? That's interesting..I help people almost 14 hrs per day, sometimes on call 24/7... >And you bought a new machine? >Couldn't you have left it alone? Left WHAT alone? I think for the $$ that was paid, the person should be able to use it don't you? Excuse me but we are here, learning together. And it has been determined that I am right about my machine which is brand new, that it has no 9 boot CD. A lot of folks assumed that if it boots into 9 you got a CD with it and you could boot with that and reformat. So again, I say we are learning. If it sounds like bitching to you, sorry. What is your problem and I will help you if I can...which is what I get paid to do all day...and why a little bitching (sometimes it takes a little forcefulness to get an answer, especially on this OS) goes a long way to find out information to help others..Please know what you are talking about before you complain. Thanks.