[X Newbies] Making PDF files readable in v5.0 for 9

Mark_PHILIP at scdf.gov.sg Mark_PHILIP at scdf.gov.sg
Mon Feb 17 17:36:59 PST 2003

I think the problem is with how you created the PDFs in the first place.
Try this:
1) Go to your application (Say AppleWorks)
2) Open your document, select Print Preview
3) This should generate a PDF. I believe that either Acrobat Reader 5 or
Preview will launch. Save the resulting previewed document as name.pdf
4) You should be able to open this PDF on any platform...

Hope that helps!
Let us know how it goes!



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Brian Thomas tapped out this message on 2/17/2003 6:52 PM

>Try launching AR and from the AR's File menu, Open, then navigate to
>the .pdf file.

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