[X Newbies] No VGA port on my eMac

Albert W D'Amanda aldamanda at comcast.net
Fri Jan 24 05:11:37 PST 2003

On Friday, January 24, 2003, at 02:59  AM, Henry Doerksen wrote:

>  Does anyone know if there is a cable or adapter

I am using one to drive a second monitor with my Radion 7000 video card

Its called a DVI to VGA Adapter

Plug "DVI to VGA Adapter" into your Google search engine and away you 
go to sources

about $ 9 USD

B&W Yosemite  V1 // XLR8 G4 500/ 1MB  ZIF // 1024MB RAM
PCI Radeon 7000 driving two Monitors (VGA +Apple Multican)
PCI SIG Ultra 133/100 IDE Controller-IBM 60GXP 40GB
PCI Adaptec 4300 PCI- FW Driver
OS X.2.3 ,Native

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