Two question: AP and Entourage

Watrat watrat at
Thu Jul 24 17:12:04 PDT 2003

Good evening,
       Have a couple of unrelated questions and thought it would be better
to save bandwidth and just combine them in one email.
    The first question is in regards to wireless access points; can someone
suggest a good one to work with a PC and a mac powerbook with airport
extreme?  At work, I bought a Belkin wireless router 802.11B and its good
when I am near the router, but very sketchy when I work my way away from it.
Was told by Belkin that I could get an access point...plug it into the
router and extend it out to close to where I want the network to go.  Does
anyone have any suggestions for a good and easy to setup AP?  If I can plug
an access point into a regular wired Lynksis router, should I just get rid
of the Belkin wireless one?
    Second question is in regards to Microsoft Entourage.  I would like to
leave my mail on the server and I have checked the boxes in the options, but
my mail is still taken off of the server.



PS.  Thanks so much for the address

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