On Monday, July 28, 2003, at 08:32 PM, KL wrote: > hi, > I was wondering if there might be a software that is suited to making > class > rosters and doing simple data analysis like excel but perhaps a bit > more > 'unix-like'?. I've heard that perl might do the job (?) I've looked > at R > which seems to have really powerful statistical tools, but perhaps a > bit too > much for the simple task of keeping track of a set of numbers > corresponding > to a set of names and producing histograms every now and then. I guess > my > question really is, if one would use latex in place of word, what > might one > use in place of excel for the task of keeping a classroom list? > Thanks, > KL Have you thought about Filemaker or even Appleworks? I'm not sure what you mean by unix-like, but I've used both Filemaker and Appleworks for class database purposes. Mark Taintor Chanhassen, MN USA