[X Newbies] Airport card hot spot use

Scott scott-xlists at scotist.com
Fri Jun 20 21:40:14 PDT 2003

On Thursday, Jun 19, 2003, at 12:58 US/Pacific, Chip Matteson wrote:

> So, has anyone used their laptops at Starbucks or their local Airport? 
> How
> does that work?

Worked fine at Starbucks. You join their network, and fire up your 
browser. Regardless of what page you try to load, you'll get Starbucks' 
signon page. From there, you either log in, or sign up for an account 
and then log in. If I recall correctly, you can get a 'trial' account, 
which reverts to a pay-as-you-go plan after a period of time. This 
might be 24 hours, might be a week - I don't recall.

I expect many airports will have a similar setup.

Some coffee shops, libraries and so forth may have open networks for 
your use.

A few places also have wide-open networks which they may not realize 
are wide open. These are more common than you'd think. The morality and 
legality of using these will be left as an exercise for the reader.


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