[X Newbies] Telnet

Kevin Stevens Kevin_Stevens at pursued-with.net
Thu Mar 6 20:21:33 PST 2003

On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Ross Langmead wrote:

> What is the most convenient way in OS X of accessing a couple of library
> catalogs I used to use Telnet for in OS 9?

Open Terminal.  Type 'telnet nameofdestination.whatever'.

> I'm not an expert, but it seems that NCSA Telnet isn't OS X-compatible, and
> Telnet Launcher costs money.  When I go looking at SSH, the more secure
> alternative that comes with the system, it seems you have to know UNIX
> commands to run it.

Open Terminal.  Type 'ssh username at nameofdestination.whatever'.  But few
places that support telnet connections support ssh, and vice versa.


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