[X Newbies] Conceptualizing Desktop

Jerry Krinock dearjerry at mindspring.com
Sun May 4 11:48:10 PDT 2003

on 03/05/04 06:09, Anne Keller-Smith at earthpigz at earthlink.net wrote:

> Hi,

> I just don't seem to be able to conceptualize my OSX desktop.

Anne, I think you've answered a lot of your own questions.  Here are the
next steps I recommend for you:

1.  Stop using OS 9.
2.  Stop using the desktop.

To accomplish #2, you'll have to

   a) Set the preferences in your web browser to put downloads
      someplace else (I have created a "Downloads" folder in
      my home\Documents for this.)

   b) Never put anything on the desktop.

I use this Mac 8-10 hours a day and have not used my desktop in 8 months.  I
have a "Desktop" folder in my home folder, but it is always empty.  The
desktop is indeed a contrivance that you don't need; it just confuses your
orderly, disciplined thinking.

Jerry Krinock
San Jose, CA   USA

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