[X Newbies] Questions re Safari and Outlook Express

Jeff Overton osxl at macoptions.com
Sat May 10 17:43:15 PDT 2003

There is a default "schedule" in OE which checks mail at start up but waking
from sleep is not a start up. You will have to click the Send & Receive
button or create a repeating "schedule".


Jeff Overton            <osxL at macoptions.com>
Webmaster - NH Seacoast Mac User Group
<nhsmug at attbi.com>   <http://www.seacoastmac.org>
OE 5 Tutorial         <http://www.macoptions.com/oe>
OS8 & 9 Beginners Tutorial  <http://www.macoptions.com/os85>

My iMac heard this from Bob Baron at blbaron at earthlink.net on 5/8/03 6:56

> 2.  Outlook  Express, which I like better than Mail, will not download
> incoming mail when awakened from sleep but will do so with no problem
> after restarting.  I am very confident that all the settings are
> correct.  I operate this from Classic as I don't think Entourage is
> worth $100.  Any comments re Eudora?

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