Partitioning Drive?

Jon Warms jwarms at
Wed May 21 08:06:53 PDT 2003

Add my vote to the partitioning side, with a condition.

Partitioning a hard drive increases the "sweat factor" a little bit, 
especially so for newbies. It's a close call either way, so don't 
partition if it'll raise your stress level too high.

I like the emergency partition concept, and I use it on my drives. OS X 
has a feature that allows you to select the startup system at boot time 
(power-on time) by holding the option key as you start (or re-start) 
the computer. It will then search for usable systems and present the 
selection to you to choose from. HOWEVER, it only finds one system per 
partition/volume. If your OS X folder has become corrupted and 
unusable, it won't offer you any other system in the same partition. 
But it will find and offer any usable systems in other partitions (or 

I don't like three partitions. All computers slow down, and your 
flexibility/usability becomes restricted, when the volume in use is 
almost full. And some applications force you to use the startup volume 
for their [large] files.

I do like the idea of one large partition with a second, smaller 
partition (4 to 8 GB) for an another system folder.


On Tuesday, May 20, 2003, at 03:08 PM, Mac OS X Newbies wrote:

> Why an emergency partition? Well, if your regular startup volume gets
> munged, you can boot off your system software CD or DVD, but you can
> only use Disk Utility, which may not be enough. A third-party disk
> utility usually comes with its own startup CD, but, again you can only
> use that utility. Moreover, the software on a CD is frozen in time --
> you can't add other tools or update it. It's easier to have a separate
> partition than burning a bootable CD each time you upgrade your disk
> utility or want to add another tool on it.

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