[X Newbies] Probably a dumb question

jc jc at his.com
Mon Nov 10 09:55:18 PST 2003

It was a pref that apparently was bad. I took all of them back and put 
a few at a time back in but couldn't seem to find it (when they were 
all out I didn't have the problem). Anyhow, long story short I went the 
other way and took 5 at a time out and if it was still flakey I put 
them back. After about the 6th group of five all of a sudden it wasn't 
flakey. I just left the five out (they had something to do with sound) 
and it's been fine ever since. Thanks for help Birgit and Jerry.


On Nov 6, 2003, at 10:08 AM, Birgit Rhoads wrote:

> No question is dumb.  I don't know what your problem with your G4 is 
> right now.  You should just trash prefs that pertain to your problem.  
> The Library folder in your Users has the preferences folder from which 
> you can trash files.  Do not throw out anything from the other Library 
> Folders, or make changes to anything other than your Users folder.  
> That should keep you out of more trouble.
> Birgit Rhoads
> On Nov 6, 2003, at 9:45 AM, jc wrote:
>> This is Probably  a dumb question but then again this is a Newbies 
>> list.
>> It has been recommend to dump all my preferences to get rid of a 
>> "flaky" problem on my G4. Do I take them out of the 
>> library/preferences folder to save them on desktop or can I just move 
>> the whole folder to the desktop and a new folder will be created when 
>> I restart?
>> Thanks,
>> --JC

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