[X Newbies] Port 110

Kevin Stevens kevin_stevens at pursued-with.net
Wed Nov 26 13:55:24 PST 2003

On Nov 26, 2003, at 08:23, R.Welz wrote:

> Am 26.11.2003 um 14:41 schrieb Mac OS X Newbies:
>> Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 18:16:57 -0500
>> Subject: [X Newbies] Port 110
>> From: J <themacintoshlady at earthlink.net>
>> Message-Id: <7713B0C6-1F9D-11D8-BF23-000393C1AFBA at earthlink.net>
>> What is the cure for the Can't Connect to the server on Port 110
>> ailment my mail.app seems to have contracted today?? <sigh>
>> Cable was never this flaky.
> Firewall: Try disabling FW in System Preferences. If that helps, there 
> is a button to enter Port 110 as allowed Port.

I'm sorry, this is not correct.  The firewall preferences determine 
allowances for INBOUND connections on a port.  The response from an 
external POP server will be directed to the port of whichever random 
number above 1023 the Mac used in its connection attempt, not port 110. 
  It will be SOURCED from port 110.

> Firewall on Router.

Same issue.

> Server or Port on Server down.

Quite likely.  One debugging step is to attempt a telnet connection 
from the Mac to port 110 of the mail server.  If it succeeds, the 
problem is with Mail.app.  If it fails, the problem is elsewhere 
(network or destination server).


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