[X Newbies] mouse flipping out

Michael Winter michael-winter at uiowa.edu
Wed Oct 22 06:23:42 PDT 2003

On Tuesday, October 21, 2003, at 04:33  PM, J Patrick Draine wrote:

> Hi All,
> While wading through the day's e-mail my mouse started to freak out -- 
> scrolling all over my mail, making crazy repeated tones -- sounding 
> like someone playing really fast trills on one note of a xylophone!

That's some mouse if it can play a musical instrument. Mine just clicks.

> It would stop I while hold the button down, start again when I let up 
> on it. It also started "doing stuff" like turning IE on (from the Dock 
> I suppose).
> I'm writing this on my iBook -- it is the 500 MHz iMac (OS X 10.2.8) 
> that's acting up.
> It isn't the mouse itself -- I swapped a different one in and it 
> behaves the same way.

I assume you tried restarting. Did you try unplugging the keyboard and 
any other USB devices? You can unplug it while the problems are 
occurring if you want. A stuck key can do funny things -even weirder is 
if someone sets something on the end of a keyboard that holds down a 
few keys.

> Any thoughts?
> Meanwhile 'm running DW3 and crossing my fingers.

If starting from a CD doesn't fix it, I'm guessing you have some kind 
of hardware problem. You haven't spilled anything on your keyboard 
lately have you?


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