[X Newbies] Garage Band

Scott scott-xlists at scotist.com
Wed Apr 28 19:22:49 PDT 2004

On Apr 28, 2004, at 16:57, J wrote:

> When opening the application it seems to be looking for someone in the 
> I think the person who's computer I am fixing trashed these 
> files...and that they are music files that belong with that 
> application, similar to how iTunes stores stuff in there too..
> Can these be replaced? From where?
> Eventually the app itself opens OK.
> Thanks.

As usual, actual error messages might be helpful. It's hard enough to 
diagnose second-hand, without getting a twice-removed interpretation of 
what is happening.

As a guess, reinstall GB. From the media on which it came. If it was 
bundled, that would be via the restore disks.


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