Hard drive space

Charles Martin chasm at mac.com
Fri Apr 30 19:48:24 PDT 2004

> From: Mark Des Cotes <mark at astroprinting.com>
> I have a slot loading 400 MHz iMac that I'd like to put a larger HD
> into (currently 8 GB) I have no problem opening up the unit and
> swapping the drives. But how can I get transfer the info on my old
> drive to the new one. I don't have access to a firewire or usb drive to
> do a temporary transfer. Can two drives be connected internally at the
> same time on an iMac?

Excellent question!

The answer is ... yes they can, temporarily. You just disconnect the 
IDE ribbon that would normally run the CD drive, attach the new drive 
to it (jumpers should be on "cable select" I believe, or "slave" is CS 
is not available). Of course this means figuring out how to run the 
iMac while it's partially disassembled (I think we turned it on it's 
side for this operation when we did it last) and format/copy as you 

Obviously, it would be better to invest the $30-50 in a 3.5" FW case 
(or better still, a 5.25/3.5 FW case) for versatility purposes, but if 
you're broke and/or in a hurry, this lash-up should manage long enough 
to get the job done.


Karen Hughes, the president's chief spokesperson, publicly equates 
pro-choice with pro-terrorist, and claims she is "troubled" by Kerry's 
protests over Vietnam but untroubled by George Bush's desertion and 
avoidance of duty.

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