Sharing a printer

Charles Martin chasm at
Fri Jan 23 23:03:02 PST 2004

> From: Ken Poppers <kpoppers at>
> I'm usually pretty on top of these things and the other replies to my
> issue make sense, but Chas I just don't understand what you mean.  I'm
> not networked and there is only one hub ---> computer connector.  How
> can I connect the hub to both computers?

Mea Culpa, brain fart -- I was thinking of a router or switch (ethernet 
devices that would work with a networked printer) but saying a hub. 

The poster who said earlier that you could connect two computers to one 
printer by taking advantage of the fact that most printers have a USB 
and a alternate port got it right. That's the quick-n-dirty way to do 


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