>And as far as I can tell, when it comes to basic spreadsheets AppleWorks' ability to save in Excel format works flawlessly. I've never had a single problem. > This is what I thought - but because what I have in mind are older versions of ClarisWorks/AppleWorks, it's good to know that the new version hasn't lost this ability. Which reminds me - does AppleWorks support multiple sheet spreadsheets now? >You'd probably LOVE Keynote then. Check out www.apple.com/keynote Thanks, I'll certainly do it (I don't need to use, and I'm not a fan of presentation apps in general, though :-) >It's an email/PIM/calendar app -- it's really one of the best things MS has ever produced for the Mac to be quite honest, but the combination of Mail/iCal/Address Book/iSync beats it (just) IMHO. > Mail is going to be the next biggest challenge for me, I fear. Ten years with Eudora have made me a very difficult customer for any other email software.... >Actually, in Mac OS X *all* applications that can print can create PDFs. Thanks. This is something else I have just discovered (=been told since I've been on this list) and it's great news. Cheers, marina