Mail Rules

Charles Martin chasm at
Wed Jun 16 15:37:43 PDT 2004

> From: cybarb at
> Is there a limit to the number of mail rules that may be created in OS 
> X
> l0.1.5?  Mail app. is  1.1.1 .

I believe there is, though I don't know how many. There's a practical 
limit as well: at some point, processing all those rules will become so 
cumbersome that getting your email and actually reading it are many 
minutes apart, which is just ridiculous.

May I suggest that you look through your email rules, and find areas 
where they can be consolidated. Mail rules can each have multiple 
properties, for example I have a rule that says if I get some mail from 
this person OR this person OR this person OR that email list, it ALL 
goes into a particular mailbox. I have a similar one for the people who 
insist on sending me nothing but jokes. :)


"If you want to encourage your kids to color outside the lines, think 
creatively and zig when the other kids zag, get the Mac. On the other 
hand, if you want to teach your kid that life is full of frustration 
and that anything worth getting takes plenty of patience and hard work, 
a Windows machine should do quite nicely."
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