[X Newbies] Mail not collecting mail

Carter Tomassi carter at messyoptics.com
Tue Mar 2 19:38:23 PST 2004

 >On Feb 24, 2004, at 11:17 AM, birgit rhoads wrote:
 >Greg, find out if Mail is turned on to working offline.  There will be 
a funny little "check" mark by the account name.  Click on that to set 
it >back to working online.  Birgit

I wish I had seen this earlier. I had some mail problems with Apple's 
Mail and found out that the check boxes to "save to server for Junk, 
Sent, and Deleted mail" were checked on. Unless, I did this in my sleep 
there is no way I would consciously check those boxes. The result was a 
full mailbox at my ISP.

Just wondering if there is a bug in Mail that changes this stuff around 
on its own? Also, I am getting checks for my mail password pretty often 
recently. That could be caused by my ISP changing servers, don't know. 
Everything always breaks at once it seems.


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