Mail not collecting mail

Charles Martin chasm at
Wed Mar 3 11:11:52 PST 2004

> From: Renita Williams <rmmwms at>
> This is an interesting question.  Two days ago I was not receiving mail
> and somehow I stumbled upon the fact that I was in the "offline" mode.
> Yet, I know I didn't change any settings.  I too wondered if somehow a
> bug in mail had triggered the change.  Coincidently, this happened
> after a day when my cable internet service had been frequently
> interrupted.  Wonder if there was any connection?

For the benefit of everyone in this thread:

When, for whatever reason, Mail cannot get a response from your ISP 
and/or .Mac mail service, it automatically goes into "offline" mode and 
stays there till you manually get mail again and it's successful.

This is not a "bug." It is perfectly normal behaviour.

The problem with Mail is that the "flag" that appears next to your "In" 
box icon is GRAY and thus very hard to see -- it doesn't help that it's 
also very tiny. If you click on the icon it will go back into "online" 
mode again. Apple should really make this warning flag a brighter 
colour like orange so that we can glance at the screen and see 
immediately what the problem is. THAT'S the bug here.


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