Problems Installing Apps

Chris Walker chris at
Wed Mar 31 22:42:17 PST 2004

Hi all,

I'm sorry to interrupt the arcane discussions on what constitutes a
monopoly, (If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck etc :-)) but I've
noticed an interesting problem with my system (10.3.3 PM G4/400 440 Mb Ram).

I thought that when installing ANY app that the admin dialogue was
supposed to appear to ask for the password, but I have noticed that it is
possible for installations to proceed without this happening.  It just
happened when installing the Freeway Web design prog.   With Palm
Desktop, installation proceeded until towards the end when it asked for
the PW.

What gives?  AFAIK the system is straightforward, although I have a
couple of the Unsanity Haxies installed (Fruit Menu and CleadDock).  I
also have Tinkertool, although I have not heard of that giving any problems.

Any advice/comments appreciated.  Just noticed that the Cocoaspell has
stopped working, which suggests that I have a system prob somewhere.


PS I have used X on a separate disk making occasional forays whilst using
OS9 as my main until getting Panther a month ago.  I have now moved to X
full time, and wonder if I should have reformatted and zeroed the HD with
a totally clean install - I did archive and install and then trashed the
old systems which makes me wonder if something vital got trashed with them.

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