I'm working on a TiBook... and Macuser or something had this article about a little app called FNSWITCH which switches the FKeys so that powerbook users can can use the fkeys for applications etc. Sadly I installed the newer (Panther) version first accidentally. Now it will not let me install the older (10.2.8) version... I cannot seem to find the last of three installed components to delete in order to install the new one. These instructions are included in the read me: The software are installed in the following places: /Library/PreferencePanes/fnSwitch.prefPane/ /Library/StartupItems/fnStartup/ /System/Library/Extensions/AppleADBKeyboard.kext/ Uninstall instructions. I don't want to provide a script to uninstall fnSwitch. But it's simple by hand ( not tested and this is not a script !! ): rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/fnSwitch.prefPane/ rm -rf /Library/StartupItems/fnStartup/ cd /System/Library/Extensions touch . mv AppleADBKeyboard.kext /Users/Shared/AppleADBKeyboard_fnSwtich.kext cp -r /Users/Shared/AppleADBKeyboard<timestamp>.kext ./AppleADBKeyboard.kext or cp -r /Users/Shared/AppleADBKeyboard.kext ./AppleADBKeyboard.kext The problem is that the last item AppleADBKeyboard.kext is owned by root, cannot be trashed... etc \ Anyone have any experience with this thing? OR know of another work around for reactivating FKEYS? thanks _______________________________________ Matthew Guemple c. 646.734.6601 matblack at mac.com www.creativehotlist.com/m_guemple