[X Newbies] ooooh!

matblack at mac.com matblack at mac.com
Thu May 6 08:48:41 PDT 2004

Thanks... that helps explain some...
so are these instructions I would enter into Terminal?
I am the Admin... is that somehow different from root?

>> [...] a little app called FNSWITCH [...] I cannot seem to find the 
>> last of three installed components to delete [...]
>> The problem is that the last item AppleADBKeyboard.kext is owned by 
>> root, cannot be trashed[...]
> "Cannot seem to find" or "can't trash because it's owned by root"? 
> Different kettles of fish.
>> [...] The software are installed in the following places:[...]
> That seems pretty clear -- what's the problem, aren't the items where 
> the author says they should be?
>> rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/fnSwitch.prefPane/
> Deletes the prefpane.
>> rm -rf /Library/StartupItems/fnStartup/
> Deletes the startup item.
>> cd /System/Library/Extensions
>> touch .
>> mv AppleADBKeyboard.kext /Users/Shared/AppleADBKeyboard_fnSwtich.kext
> (Typo here, I guess -- should be _fnSwitch.)
>> cp -r /Users/Shared/AppleADBKeyboard<timestamp>.kext 
>> ./AppleADBKeyboard.kext
>> or
>> cp -r /Users/Shared/AppleADBKeyboard.kext ./AppleADBKeyboard.kext
> It looks like the fnSwitch installer moves Apple's kext to 
> /Users/Shared/ as a backup, and replaces it with its own. These lines 
> reverse the procedure: the move the fnSwitch-installed kext to 
> /Users/Shared/ under a different name (so as not to replace Apple's), 
> then brings back the original kext to its location.
> It also looks like the developer assumed you'd be logged in as root. 
> That's easily solved: precede the commands with sudo, as in
> $sudo mv AppleADBKeyboard.kext 
> /Users/Shared/AppleADBKeyboard_fnSwitch.kext
> For details on sudo
> $man sudo
> If you prefer a GUI method, select AppleADBKeyboard.kext in Finder, do 
> a Get Info, and change its ownership, move it where it should go, then 
> change again its ownership.
> f
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Matthew Guemple
c. 646.734.6601
matblack at mac.com

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