Help Viewer

Anne Keller-Smith earthpigz at
Thu May 20 06:32:14 PDT 2004

Why is it, when I pull up Help for an Application, and search
on a topic, I always get a list of items system-wide? For example,
I'm trying to find out what "badcell" means in Appleworks, but
Appleworks Help Viewer has no Appleworks Help on that, but
instead has returned a list of Help for Coldfusion, Dreamweaver,
etc. - other programs.

How do I limit my searches just to the program I'm in, that I need
help on?

Anne Keller Smith
Down to Earth Web Design
G4 733mHz (OS X 10.2.0/Classic)
896 MB RAM, 40 MB hard drive
mailto:earthpigz at

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