[X-Newbies] Re: having trouble open a pdf attachment...

William Scammell bill at wscd.biz
Fri Dec 16 05:42:52 PST 2005

On Dec 16, 2005, at 7:51 AM, Rodney A.Hoiseth wrote:

> On Dec 16, 2005, at 09:13, Vincent Cayenne <vcayenne at mac.com>
>> At 1:53 PM -0500 12/15/05, J wrote:
>>> TO that end, I have never been able to find the setting that allows
>>> you to download the PDF file instead of letting it open in the
>>> browser.
>> Get TinkerTool <http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/5721>, open it,
>> click the Safari tab and place a check mark in "Disable native
>> support for display of PDF documents".
> Alternatively, get a 2-button mouse. When you right-click on the  
> link it lets you chose to download.
> After starting to use a two-button mouse (Kensington, not MM) I  
> wonder how I managed with the one-button one all those years.

I use a 5-button Optical Pro mouse from Kens. that is just great:
  * single click
  * double-click
  * control-click (for contextual menus --  so you can save that  
pesky PDF rather than waiting for it to load in any browser.)
  * scroll wheel
  * etc.

So worth the $30+ I spent on it.


William Scammell
Creative Director

bill at wscd.biz

vox: 781-956-3548
fax: 978-594-5290

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