[X-Newbies] Word not working

Vincent Cayenne vcayenne at mac.com
Wed Oct 26 07:58:15 PDT 2005

At 4:34 PM -0400 10/25/05, Vincent Cayenne wrote:
>Try using Font Finagler to rebuild the font caches and Font Book to 
>search for and disable damaged fonts. Sorry to skimp on details but 
>I'm between meetings...

OK, now that I have a few moments :-)  :

Font Finagler can be found at 
<http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/14470>. I'd try it first - it 
won't hurt any, and if it helps, you've saved a lot of 

Font Book should be used to check (via File--> Validate File...) both 
the Fonts folder in your top-level Library, as well as the set of 
fonts included with MS Office - they're in "/Applications/Microsoft 
Office 2004/Office/Fonts" in my install.

note: I don't quite know what to make of reported problems with Fang 
Song and Song, as these have been reported damaged with every Tiger 
install I've ever checked.
'tis as said. [Reality is defined by being described]

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