[X-Newbies] Dialup services

Norman Cohen nacohen at mac.com
Thu Sep 22 20:57:43 PDT 2005

Although I rarely use dial-up anymore, I have been pretty happy with  
OWC's FasterMac.net <http://www.fastermac.net>. It's between $7-10/ 
month on a monthly plan and less if you prepay for longer periods.  
Uptime has been good and support has been very good. No special  
client necessary. A "turbo" option is available that improves  
download speed for browsing. And, as you can guess from the name, the  
product is VERY Mac friendly!

Norman A. Cohen
nacohen at mac.com

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of  
the human mind to correlate all its contents."
H. P. Lovecraft

On Sep 22, 2005, at 20:55 PM, Jane wrote:

> You can prepay Earthlink and it will knock it down to 19.95/mo
> I use cable so I only pay 9.95/mo and don't use more than 4 hours  
> per month dialup, or is it 10??? Something like that. I keep it in  
> case there is no wifi or cable access when traveling.
> It's really a good buy with 7 or 8 names, plenty of dialup numbers  
> all over the place and you can configure it yourself with no  
> nonsense about installing their junk.

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