[X-Newbies] Apple Works 6

Al Poulin alpoulin at cox.net
Fri Sep 30 09:05:34 PDT 2005

On Sep 30, 2005, at 11:29 AM, W Lane wrote:

> On 30-Sep-05, at 09:23 , Jack Corcoran wrote:
>> I have a number of word processor documents in Apple Word 6 on my 
>> Mini that I would like to transfer to my iBook using a flash drive as 
>> the transfer agent.
>> These documents are shown in Apple Word 6.0 in a list format and,  
>> therefore  do not respond to "drag and drop."   I would be grateful 
>> if someone could tell me how to change the appearance of these 
>> documents from List to Icons.
> I don't quite understand the last part of this, 'change from List to 
> Icon'.  The documents should simply drag and drop. Have you selected 
> them one at a time and tried it?

Perhaps there is a list with small font, small list icons making it 
difficult for the mouse arrow to grab.  To change from List View to 
Icon View, with the List View window open, go to the Finder View Menu 
and click on the line "as Icons."

Otherwise, with the List View open, create a New Folder 
(Apple/Shift/N), drag your documents into the folder, then drag the 
folder to your flash drive, and from there to your iBook.

Al Poulin
Anger, hate, and revenge are for the devil, forgiveness is for God, 
proactive self-defense is for the rest of us.

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