[X-Newbies] Re: digest

david_elmo david_elmo at optusnet.com.au
Thu Jan 12 13:50:10 PST 2006

> From: Al Poulin <alpoulin at cox.net>
> On Jan 6, 2006, at 4:12 AM, david_elmo wrote:
>> Oy! I have not received any digest from x-newbies for ages? How come?
> I do not know.  But when I first subscribed to X-Newbies in Digest
> mode, it was highly unreliable.  I find it much better in feed  
> mode.  I
> am sending this Cc: to David's address.

Amazing. I got a digest! Now what were all the qs I wanted to ask? I  
have "clean forgotten" (but I remember who last uttered this phrase:  
Dirty Harry, before he blasted away a no-good low-down bank robber he  
had cornered...)

David Elmo

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