[X-Newbies] Englis-Spanish

Philip J Robar philip.robar at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 23:00:22 PST 2006

On Nov 3, 2006, at 10:07 PM, Jeff Allison wrote:

> On 04/11/2006, at 4:55 , Philip J Robar wrote:
>> I also recommend MacPorts, but want to make clear that it's not  
>> just "another package system like Fink". Fink installs a GNU/SYSV  
>> like UNIX environment that interposes itself over OS X's UNIX  
>> environment (I, myself, would say gets in the way of.), whereas  
>> MacPorts directly leverages OS X's UNIX environment.
> I'm not sure where you get that idea from what I can see fink goes  
> out of its way to avoid messing with OSX, the whole thing lives is /sw

MacPorts is a collection of UNIX/POSIX software ported to OS X. It  
uses and leverages OS X's UNIX. Fink installs an entire GNU  
environment: libraries, headers, and utilities. To use Fink  
effectively you have to put /sw at the front of your path, thus Fink  
requires you to interpose it on top of, or in my view, in place of OS  
X's native UNIX facilities.


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