[X-Newbies] Re: HTML mail WAS: Your message to X-Newbies awaits moderator approval

Charles Martin chasm at mac.com
Wed Nov 22 10:23:21 PST 2006

>From: "Brian Durant" <globetrotterdk at gmail.com>
>Putting the debate about plain text/html in e-mail into a pejorative
>context does not increase the strength of your argumentation, nor does
>wishing that people having another view than yours not exercise their
>freedom of expression contribute to the thread. Who says I am an html
>advocate? I don't see what the big deal is.

I think if you will go back and read my reply to you more carefully, you will notice that I did not claim you were an html advocate. I compared the endless debate of HTML advocates and plain-text advocates to the creationist/evolutionist debate. In both cases, unlike many arguments, there is no real debate: the people who hold the creationist/HTML view are just plain wrong. Unlike some, I have never said that there is NO place for HTML in ANY kind of email -- but in a text-based email list like this one, it is the obvious and correct choice to make.

>The issue at hand is still the way that an arbitrary posting size has
>been set for this list. If there is only on average 2-3 postings on a
>normal day, how does the size of the postings overload the capacity of
>a server?

That's not the point at all -- you are moving the goalposts (again).  The point is that plain text doesn't cause problems/issues/complaints, and HTML does. It's really very simple.


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