[X-Newbies] I'm looking for a copy of IE 5...

Jon Warms jwarms at mac.com
Sat Sep 9 09:07:19 PDT 2006

IE 5.2.2 works for me.

I know, because I had to use it last month on usps.com.

The postal service has a cool service called Click N Ship. I used it
for about a year  to print labels and even pre-pay postage using
various Mac browsers. But sometime over the summer, the USPS
"improved" the service, so now (at least, in August) Mac users
MUST use IE to print the labels and postage.

(To the USPS's good, their tech support answered a query with
a detailed, semi-helpful response, but I still had to use IE.)


On Sep 9, 2006, Steven Rogers <srogers1 at austin.rr.com> wrote:

> On Sep 9, 2006, at 12:18 AM, Tony Johansen wrote:
>> On 9/9/2006 11:54 AM, "Richard Ramsowr" <r.ramsowr at sbcglobal.net>
>> wrote:
>>> IÕm looking for a copy of IE 5 - is there anyone out
>>> there who might be willing to download me a copy?
>>> I guess IE 5 still works with OS X [10.4.7]?
>>> I have a very limited needed and my copy doesnÕt want
>>> to open.
>> Mine also has ceased to function properly. It seems the use-by date
>> has
>> passed for IE5.2 for Mac.
> I have IE 5.2.3 and it works fine (as well as it ever did) under OS X
> 10.4.7 for me
> SR

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