[X-Newbies] OSX Newbie question

Jon Warms jwarms at mac.com
Sat Aug 18 16:26:00 PDT 2007

This is intended philosophically, or as a caution - especially on
a newbie board - I have no specific knowledge about the programs
Randy recommended.

I treat add-ons and little programs with a very jaundiced eye,
especially where the program involves basic OS operations. I know that
many add-on utilities do have proven track records and fulfill many  
needs. But in many years of PC computing (Mac and otherwise) there have
been many instances of inexplicable machine happenings that I spent
a lot of time correcting, only to find out they were side-effects of
apparently unrelated programs I had added. I have seen
postings on this board and related boards from users describing weird
events, and then a posting three days later saying how the event
was caused by some shareware ditty the poster had added.

And I consider the source of the add-on. Many utilities don't get
enough usage and little enough reporting so bugs aren't general  
Programs by vendors like Apple, Adobe, and Microsoft are universally
used, and their problems are rapidly disseminated. But I'm not that  
about programs from most other sources.

If I need a program to fix a problem, then I've got to find a solution.
But I'd rather work-around a problem than be a beta tester for
some garage-based author.


On Aug 18, 2007, "Randy B. Singer" <randy at macattorney.com>

> On Jul 17, 2007, at 9:46 AM, Don wrote:
>> Hey how the heck do I get a trashcan back where it used
>> to be on os9?  It must be hiding somewhere in the system
>> such that it can be put back on desktop somehow.
> It should be in your Dock, at the far right.
> You can have your trashcan on your desktop instead using:
> WasteBasket (free)
> http://homepage.mac.com/andy_spark/
> Trash X ($10)
> http://www.northernsoftworks.com/trashx.html

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