[X-Newbies] How to block MailInfo and the like from phoning home from Mail.

W Lane wilann at telusplanet.net
Sat Mar 10 06:43:06 PST 2007

On 07-Mar-10, at 07:26: 58, Brian Durant wrote:

> Anyone know how to block MailInfo
> http://619219.sigclick.mailinfo.com/web/signature.htm and similar
> programs from phoning home, when I am using Mail.app to receive mail?
> I don't want to mark the e-mails as spam because it is job related,
> but I would like to prevent this and similar programs from sending a
> receipt back to the sender.

Uninstall MailInfo. From a quick look at the company site I don't see  
any great benefit to using it. Most of the 'recent info' (quotes from  
computer magazines and the like) is from 2004, the demo includes the  
facts that 'where the email was read is based on info from a third  
party which may be inaccurate' and 'an indication of the email having  
been read, or not, may not be accurate'.  I'm paraprhasing but that's  
the gist of what I get from it.

William Lane
Calgary, Canada
via Mac OSX - Mail

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