[X-Newbies] 2 Firewire or not 2 Firewire, that is the MacBook question.

Brian Durant globetrotterdk at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 12:39:32 PST 2009

Maybe, but the switch prevents new Gen 2 MacBooks from being started
in target mode, not to mention problems connecting camcorders. Or?


On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 7:59 PM, Malcolm Cornelius
<malcolm at fireflyuk.net> wrote:
> On 14 Jan 2009, at 12:04, Brian Durant wrote:
>> What do people make of the move by Apple not to include Firewire on
>> Gen 2 MacBooks? I am looking for a new laptop and could either opt for
>> the new Gen 2 or a 2.4 GHz, black, MacBook4,1. I am planning to use it
>> as an all around laptop. I like the new unibody, trackpad and graphics
>> cards in Gen 2, but I like the inclusion of Firewire in the older
>> model.
> I think it was a pretty inevitable move with the dominance of USB in the
> market place, if something had to give, FW was the obvious one.
> --
> Best wishes
> Malcolm Cornelius - The Powerbook Fanatic
> http://www.pbfanatic.co.uk

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