[X-Newbies] Re: 2 Firewire or not 2 Firewire, that is the MacBook question.

Charles Martin chasm at mac.com
Thu Jan 15 01:27:09 PST 2009

> From: J <themacintoshlady at earthlink.net>
> I'm still clinging to my iMac that has a modem!
> So yes I am upset about this.
> I use both a lot.
> What about Pro?

You'll be pleased to hear that all Mac models (even the latest ones)  
still support the $49 Apple USB modem as an add-on. It's both a  
"regular" modem AND a fax modem, and works extremely well with all Mac  

And the MacBook Pro (and the latest iMac, and the towers, and  
presently the Mac mini) all still have FW in some form or another --  
most use the FW800 connector now, but that can easily be converted  
down to FW400 with a hub or an inexpensive cable if need be. FW800 is,  
as the name implies, twice as fast as FW400, which opens up some  
interesting possibilities.

It's not all bad news. :)


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