[X-Newbies] question about Leopard 10.5 !! HELP !!

Carole Wessel carwesg at aol.com
Mon Jun 28 15:18:43 PDT 2010

Thanks Fabian, but Snow lepard doesn't work for non intel Chip...  
that's why I have to do both... I have 2 out 5 computers that do not  
have intel chip an I can't find the regular Leopard with a family  
license I can use...

How safe would it be buying on ebay ? If I am not sure the licences  
haven't been used already...

Please HELP!!


On Jun 28, 2010, at 9:39 PM, Fabian Fang wrote:

> On Jun 28, 2010, at 11:05 AM, Carole Wessel wrote:
>> I am still running Tiger on our 5 computers. (3 are with Intel chip)
>> I need to update to Leopard 10.5 for my Iphone, and then, I will  
>> update the 3 computers (with the intel chip) to Snow leopard.
>> HOWEVER, it's impossible to find a family version to buy !!!
>> Going on Ebay, they sell some but the CDs all have been opened, so  
>> the licenses are used up I suppose.
> There are numerous current eBay auctions for Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard)  
> family packs:
> <http://shop.ebay.com/i.html?_nkw=Mac+OS+10.5 
> +&_sacat=0&_sop=1&_odkw=&_osacat=3667&bkBtn=&_trksid=p3286.m270.l1313>
> Leopard is on DVD, not CD.
> You can upgrade Tiger directly to Snow Leopard, without going  
> through Leopard.  Snow Leopard Family Pack is readily available  
> from the Apple Store:
> <http://store.apple.com/us/product/MC573Z/A? 
> fnode=MTY1NDAzOA&mco=MTc1Njg3ODQ>
> Fabian

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