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<P><FONT face="Courier New">Hi !!! <BR><BR>I am having problem booting Ibook(Family number is M2453). I got question mark and men face atlternatively after starting Ibook.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face="Courier New">Somebody suggest me the option to start pressing 'x' key to boot it in to OS X directly.But it didnt work. I tried pressing p+r+option +command key but it didnt help. it chimes several time but it didnt boot or didnto show anything. <BR><BR>Please tell guide me what to do. I lost the original OS installation disk. But one of my friend give me his copy of os 9.x.<BR><BR>I am really new to MAC OS. <BR><BR>Ankit </FONT></P><FONT face="Courier New"></FONT></DIV>
<P> </P></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr>HCL Beanstalk PCs. You could win one <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMWENIN/2740??PS=">Interested?</a> </html>