[X-Unix] BASH problem?

Doug McNutt douglist at macnauchtan.com
Sun Dec 12 13:30:35 PST 2004

At 08:53 -0800 12/12/04, Larry Helms wrote:
>Been coding long?  Or just reading about it... JUST KIDDING!
>Seriously though, you've made a very simple syntactic error.
>You need to remove the SPACE between 'Myday' and `date

>    set Myday=`date '+%a'`

And don't forget to include a space after a "[" and before a "]" in a bash if statement. It turns out that "[" is linked to the utility "test" and is actually an external call; thus the space.

Have a look at tcsh if you have been coding too long in compiled languages like C and perl.

-->  The best programming tool is a soldering iron <--

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