[X-Unix] Backdoor method to add users

William H. Magill magill at mcgillsociety.org
Sat Feb 21 10:49:16 PST 2004

On 21 Feb, 2004, at 08:06, Alex wrote:
>> I am not aware of any hard limit on OS X on number of users.
> Good question -- what's the max number of users? There must be a limit.

On 21 Feb, 2004, at 10:19, Barry Lyden wrote:
> max number of users on a UNIX system is usually a kernel tunable 
> parameter.

Not really.

The "max users" parameter is one of the most misunderstood and badly 
named parameters in Unix. [And the fact that it means different things 
in different contexts doesn't help.] And as far as I can tell, it does 
not exist in OS X. (Being MACH, it should not exist.)

"Max users" is NOT a limit on the number of userids  (UIDs) which can 
exist on a system OR on the number of simultaneous users which can be 
logged on.

Historically it was a value used during the kernel generation process 
which caused other values associated with static table structures to be 
modified (ie recalculated) -- to change system memory allocations for 
buffers and the like. Contemporary systems are much more dynamic. 
[Other PROGRAMS (not operating systems), like SAMBA, use the term to 
mean something completely different.]

On any Unix system there are two different concepts concerning the 
maximum number of users any given system configuration can support.

The first is the number of uids in the "login data base" (historically, 
The "UID" must be unique for every user on the "system"... (which can 
included many systems, but I'm not going to include clusters and the 
like here.) This is a numeric value whose maximum value is determined 
by both the number of bits the hardware architecture supports (as in 
8/16/32/64) and by the coding of the kernel to support a particular 
"address" space. This number is hard and fast and is knowable. [Off 
hand, I don't know what value OSX supports, but if OS X is 64 bit 
clean, it supports a 64 bit number, unlike Intel machines which only 
are 32 bit machines. Yeah, you can play all kinds of double-32 games 
like both Sun and HP did before they managed to get their OS to be 64 
bit clean, but that also is a different issue.]

The second concept has to do with the maximum number of simultaneous or 
active processes any given system can support (kern.maxproc  and 
kern.maxprocperuid). The settings of these values also control kernel 
table space. kern.maxproc is the total number of simultaneous processes 
an OS X system can have running -- the default is 532 for client. The 
maxprocperuid default number is 100. While these numbers can be set 
arbitrarily, a knowledge of system architecting will quickly show that 
you can't put 10 tons of crap in a 5 ton truck.

Once you get a system beyond a few hundreds of users, you begin to 
encounter all kinds of issues which bear little relationship to the 
basic OS and more to do with the hardware itself.

Once you get beyond a few thousand users and start pushing ten thousand 
users, you start seeing REALLY weird interactions between hardware and 
software design philosophies.

One thing which is true -- large multi-user timesharing systems are 
surprisingly few and far between. Five to ten thousand users of ONE 
system is a REALLY big user community, and there are very few systems 
around which are big enough to handle them. They are called 
"mainframes." Virtually all "Super Computers," by contrast have 
surprisingly small user communities -- typically only a couple hundred 
users. One simple reason is called "overhead." The more users you have 
on a system, the more resources are required to oversee their usage 

So in short. There is no effective limit on the number of UIDS a given 
system can support. But there is a real limit to the number of UIDS a 
given set of resources can support.

William H. Magill
# Beige G3 - Rev A motherboard - 768 Meg
# Flat-panel iMac (2.1) 800MHz - Super Drive - 768 Meg
# PWS433a [Alpha 21164 Rev 7.2 (EV56)- 64 Meg]- Tru64 5.1a
# XP1000 - [Alpha EV6]
magill at mcgillsociety.org
magill at acm.org
magill at mac.com

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