[X-Unix] shell scripting

Joaquin Henriquez Alzola joaquin.henriquez-alzola at ree.ericsson.se
Thu Jan 15 19:16:08 PST 2004

You do this with the find command use the -mtime

> On viernes, ener 16, 2004, at 03:53 Europe/Madrid, Brian Medley wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 08:34:54PM -0600, Bert Knabe wrote:
>>> I have a relatively simple task, but little programming knowledge. I
>>> need to have a folder checked and files copied to another folder. I
>>> originally planned to do this in Applescript, but Applescript has
>>> proven less than effective. I am not looking for someone to write a
>>> script for me, but whether or not this is doable as a shell script,  
>>> or
>>> should I pull out my (very) rusty C++, or even learn a little Perl.
>>> I have an Xserve w/XServeRAID running OS 10.2.8. I need to either  
>>> have
>>> a folder watched, and when new files are added, copy them to another
>>> folder on a different volume, or have the folder checked every so  
>>> often
>>> and files added since the last check copied to another folder on a
>>> different volume.
>> I'd use cron+perl because a) I know perl and b) I don't know of a way  
>> to
>> roll over a bunch of files in a shell script and grab out the ones  
>> that
>> were created after a certain time.
>> -- ~'`^`'~=-.,__,.-=~'`^`'~=-.,__,.-=~'`^`'~=-., \|/  (___)  \|/  
>> _,.-=~'`^`
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>>                "Knowledge is Power"           /__( \___/ )__\   
>>                   -- Francis Bacon               `\__`U_/'
>>  _,.-=~'`^`'~=-.,__,.-=~'`^`'~=-.,__,.-=~'`^`'~= <____|'   
>> ^^`'~=-.,__,.-=
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>> =~'`^`
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